MedAllies achieves QHIN™ designation under TEFCA™ Learn More
For over two and a half decades, the Compliance Institute (CI), has been Health Care Compliance Association’s (HCCAs) primary educational and networking event for healthcare compliance professionals, offering attendees the latest in real-world compliance issues, emerging trends, and practical applications to strengthen their compliance programs.
MedAllies Chief Compliance Officer presented “How to Successfully Launch Compliance in a Small Organization” the 27th Annual Compliance Institute conference in Anaheim, CA. During the session attendees were able to
Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics® (SCCE) provides members with essential resources and support that include a combination of education, professional development tools, and networking opportunities to help you succeed in your role as a compliance professional and build a successful compliance and ethics program at your organization. Get connected with the compliance and ethics community by joining more than 7,000+ members across the globe.
Department of One series – Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE)
MedAllies Chief Compliance Officer led the “Beginning well with a small compliance department” which was the first in the “Department of One” series virtual lunch-and-learns. In addition, our Director of Human Resources joined for the second in the series entitled, “Virtual Conversations” where they presented how compliance and human resources leverage their relationship and resources to promote a culture of ethics and compliance.
SCCE virtual conference
Our Chief Compliance Officer co-presented “How to Build an Efficient Compliance Program in a Small Organization” at SCCE’s virtual conference entitled “Compliance in Smaller Organizations”. The topic included specific risks in small organizations, applicable legislation and regulations, challenges, rewards, obtaining alliances and how to manage a department of one.
Check out this article on HIStalk written by our CEO, John Blair, III, MD, discussing his experience at ViVE 2024 and his […]
We’re excited to be in beautiful Aurora, CO for the 40th Annual MUSE Inspire Conference! MedAllies is exhibiting (booth #422) and […]
Come to the HIMSS23 Interoperability Showcase to see 360x and Multimodality Interoperability to Support Care Transitions. Our patient is an 18-year-old single woman […]