Trailblazers Drs. Marjorie Rallins and Holly Miller, MD leading the way to interoperability
Check out this Inspiring Women podcast episode with our CMO, Holly Miller, MD where she discusses the progress made over the past […]
Driving Interoperability and Ubiquitous Access to Healthcare Information with Dr. John Blair, CEO of MedAllies
Check out this Empowered Patient podcast with our CEO, John Blair, III, MD where he discusses the importance of interoperability in healthcare.
Tell Me Where IT Hurts: Dr. John Blair, III, CEO of MedAllies
Check out this Tell Me Where IT Hurts podcast episode with our CEO, John Blair, III, MD where he gives an overview […]
HIPcast – HI Professional in a QHIN™ with Dr. John Blair, III and Dianne Koval
Check out this HIPcast podcast interview with our CEO, John Blair, III, MD and our COO, Dianne Koval. Dr. Blair and Dianne […]
How The Sequoia Project is Promoting Health Data Usability
Check out this Healthcare Strategies podcast with our CMO, Holly Miller, MD where she discusses the main data usability issues impacting providers and […]
The Virtual Shift: A. John Blair, III, MD, CEO MedAllies | Healthcare NOW Radio
Check out this Healthcare NOW Radio podcast episode featuring our CEO, John Blair, III, MD discussing recently being designated a QHIN™ by […]